The Apsirant


Getting it Done: 3 quick tips to move that lingering task forward

We’ve all had it. You know – that one task that keeps lingering around like a pet, so long you’ve named Ben and he lives in on the left edge of your desk, and you feel guilty because you haven’t taken him out for weeks. And he’s only getting hairier and scarier by the day!

You might even have MORE than one. I hate these tasks. When I start something, I want to finish it and have the satisfaction of crossing it off my list THAT day.

Awhile back I had one of these ugly tasks. I was supposed to fill out a Certified Women Owned Business Application (yeh, you actually have to have a certification proving this!). It was a fairly large project with two pages of checklists. I sent a few emails for some of the documents, but I kept avoiding it.

The guilt racked up. The days slid by. A few weeks turned into several months. This thing wasn’t going anywhere, and it was starting to feel like a lead weight around my ankle. “Of course I’ll get it done soon,” I’d tell co-workers, but it just wasn’t happening.

On a more motivated day, I stopped by our controller’s office to ask for a financial document for the application. He knew I’d been struggling with the project, and many of the items I needed were from him. He kindly asked if I wanted him to take a stab at the project. WOO-HOO. “Are you sure?” I asked. Yes, he was sure.

And then an amazing thing happened. He got that application done in about two weeks. It certainly wasn’t easy, and I heard him gripe about that project a time or two, but he got it done. I was beyond thankful.

By simply bringing some new energy and perspective to the project, this big hairy beast was tamed!

There will always be tasks like this from time to time, but they don’t have to slow you down. Here are three simple tips I use to help break past the barriers and get shit done!

3 Tips to Move that Pesky Task Forward

  1. Does it really need to be done?
    Sometimes there’s a reason a certain task isn’t getting done- it doesn’t need to! You might feel obligated to a task, but as time slips away you might realize it had a lower priority than you originally assigned it. It’s ok to let it go. If it really was more important than you thought, it will find a way to bounce back. If not, you’ll never hear of it again! Whew.
  2. Can someone else do it or can you consult with someone for advice?
    Not everyone has the luxury of having an employee or co-worker to pass a task off to, but you have plenty of people in your network to leverage. Ask a friend to see if they can help you, or consult with a local networking group, or even find an expert on the topic who is passionate and wants to share their knowledge. Bringing new energy to a pesky task can change help you see it in a new light and finally move it forward and get it done.
  3. Can it be broken down into smaller parts?
    Maybe a task isn’t getting done because it feels too darn overwhelming! With tasks like these, I like to chunk them down into bite sized bits that are easy to manage and complete. Plus, accomplishing a small task gives me a blast of energy and excitement that can power me through the next task on the list.

These are the tips I love the most, but I’m sure there are many more. What works for you? Let me know in the comments down below.

I hope you can use one of these techniques to bust through one of your lingering tasks this week!

Weekly wisdom designed to help you create a business that feels good - aligned with your values, generating the income you desire, and operating like a well-oiled machine with the right systems, processes, and automation in place. 

The Aspirant Podcast