The Apsirant
When I first started pulling everything together to write this blog I had so many awesome ideas of what I wanted to include: an amazing homepage, blogs of all different topics, my design work, maybe some hand lettering, don’t forget instagram photos, a twitter, maybe cool design templates…ALL OF THE THINGS!
I spent several nights locking down a site name and sketching out logos, getting my basic framework in place. Boy, is it hard to get the perfect name these days. You think you have it, and then you google it and BOOM – name taken.
And that’s before the dreaded logo. Yes, you heard me right, the dreaded logo. In addition to being a full-time perfectionis I‘m also a designer by trade, and logos have to be one of the most underappreciated design forms. It is such a simple mark and it needs to communicate who you are instantly. The trouble with a perfectionist, especially in a digital age, is that some things are NEVER done.
After a week of “getting stuff done” I found my exciting blog somehow kept slipping to the bottom of my to-do list. Each day I planned time to work on it, and each day it I didn’t get to it. I wasn’t worried though. I knew this was the blog, the project, that I was finally going to complete. The ideas were so fresh and sharp in my head it was practically already done…except it wasn’t.
After many weeks (and web hosting charges) I had to face the fact that I was literally AVOIDING my dream. And this wasn’t the first time. I started a travel blog when I went to Europe called the Fernweh Diaries. I wrote several entries and then two things started happening. I started painstakingly writing long, perfect blogs including every detail. And my blog started to get a following.
Suddenly writing blog posts seemed like way too much like work, sucking the fun right out of it. My writing had for so long been in the private annals of my diary on the computer and paper. My introverted self rejected the notion of sharing so much of my reality.
I’ve seen so many of my friend start projects and just put them out there…not even CLOSE to perfect! And yes, my judgemental self screamed “how on earth can you put that out for everyone to see!?”
But guess what? The world is more forgiving than I thought. So many of my friends THRIVED and even became successful from their imperfect beginnings. I realized it was my own inner voice holding me back, afraid the rest of the world might be as mean as me. And some people might be, but overwhelmingly people are awesome and there is a place and a NEED for what you have to offer.
So don’t let your dreams remain dreams – just start! Today. Don’t put it off any longer. And if you need a kick in the pants, well let Shia LaBeouf give you the same pep talk I sent to my cousin when she needed some extra motivation to work on her food blog. JUST DO IT.
Take this advice for your own ventures:
Engagement: What dreams have you shelved that you should just start now? (let me know in the comments below!) Make a commitment today to bring one of those dusty things down and show it some light – someone in the world needs it, even if that person is you!
You’re a Badass – How to stop doubting your greatness and living an awesome life by Jen Sincero A blunt how-to-guide that motivates you to JUST START.
Christy Wright – Business Boutique – She’s an entrepreneur and business coach helping women make money doing what they love. She has lots of great resources and a podcast about starting your own business.
Side Hustle School – Podcast – This is a fun podcast giving tips on starting part-time side hustles for extra money. I’m always amazed at the crazy ways that people can increase their income. Super short sound bites are great for quick commutes or grocery runs for a jolt of inspiration.
Weekly wisdom designed to help you create a business that feels good - aligned with your values, generating the income you desire, and operating like a well-oiled machine with the right systems, processes, and automation in place.
The Aspirant Podcast