The Apsirant


A Meditation of Repetition

I’ve been afraid to write. I’ve been stuck on a notion that I have nothing new to say- that I am just another mediocre voice lost in the competing waves of a vast digital sea.

But as time slips by, a quiet observation has been brewing in me– each morning we wake up, and we breathe. Every single minute we are breathing- in and out, in and out, a constant rhythm, a constant repetition. Sometimes the pace increases, sometimes it slows, but it is always present. There is nothing boring about breathing; it is simple and it is essential.

At our core level of functionality we are conditioned for this repetition. And although two breaths are an expression of the same thing, no two breaths are ever quite identical and yet all are equally life sustaining.

So yes, maybe I run the risk of saying the same things that others have said before me, but like breath, it does not become any less necessary. Often we must hear the same lesson many times to even begin to receive it. And should my words have some impact on you, it will all have been worth it.

So this year I embrace repetition and my voice, and I hope that my expression will encourage you in your own.

Engagement: Do you ever find it hard to create when there are so many amazing examples to compare yourself against? What things make it easier for you?

Weekly wisdom designed to help you create a business that feels good - aligned with your values, generating the income you desire, and operating like a well-oiled machine with the right systems, processes, and automation in place. 

The Aspirant Podcast